Welcome to the Space Systems Laboratory at UniPi! We are a research group within the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering (DICI) of the University of Pisa (UniPi). Our main activities include basic and applied research on microsatellite and CubeSat technology (power generation, structural and thermal design, low-thrust trajectory simulation, mission design), development of µHAPS – an innovative miniaturized HAPS (High-Altitude Pseudo-Satellite) platform – and operation of stratospheric sounding balloon flights for scientific applications (more info on this page). Find more here about our history.

The Space Systems Lab is operated by faculty and students of MSSE, the Space Engineering MSc course of UniPi. MSSE is the space track of the MSc course in aerospace engineering at the School of Engineering of UniPi.

Final projects (“Tesi di Laurea”), as required by the MSSE programme, are carried out under the supervision of Space Laboratory’s researchers at the lab in Pisa or at external companies and research institutions. Info is available on final project topics currently available. For enquiries, contact us.